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Opposition To DEI Now A Crime?

What would France’s Napoleon Bonaparte have said about two Missouri teachers being ordered by an Obama-appointed judge to pay $300K in attorneys’ fees after opposing DEI training? “La Ruine de la démocratie”?

More on The Little Corporal’s take in a bit. The facts as related by Fox News are these: The teachers had asked the court to recognize their right to take a pass on their school district’s mandatory DEI “training”, alleging it violated their constitutional rights by forcing them to put themselves in an “oppression matrix” that automatically ID’d them as white supremacists in a systemically racist America. Brooke Henderson, one of the teachers, said the district's DEI program applying to all personnel, penalized her own belief that “America is [or should be] colorblind,” especially when interacting with students. She explained: “If we believed in a colorblind America, [however, the District’s program told us] that we are White supremacists. And, it really just felt like there was no hope & that the wheels had come off the bus of what our job as educators was.” Presiding Federal Distr. Judge Douglas Harpool wanted none of it & awarded $313K in attorneys fees to the district. Defense Counsel Kimberly Hermann of the Southeastern Legal Foundation called that order “unprecedented … absolutely excessive … The point of it is to chill speech” & discourage like-minded teachers & parents.

So what does this have to do with Napoleon? Well, it was a victorious General Bonaparte in 1797, who reproved the Genoese after giving them the human rights fruits of the French Revolution for (ironically) their overzealous demonstrations in support of his democratic reforms. Warned Napoleon: “Whenever the people of any state … applaud speeches merely because they are passionate; when they call exaggeration & fury virtue; equity & moderation crimes; the ruin of that state is at hand …”

Davd Soul


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