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Our Afghan Vets Continue Project Democracy

Any surprise? “One year after US left Afghanistan, we are still working to rescue the heroes & friends we left behind.” Left alone to right the botched withdrawal is our veterans who had fought to free strangers for 20 yrs there…

As noted in the Fox News coverage: “What makes a year? Depends on who you ask … If you ask an Afghan, they’ll tell you it’s the difference between 2022 and the Dark Ages.” Where’s Joe? On a Rehobeth Beach? Leave it to the men and women who had served in Afghanistan during the past two decades as they continue to find ways to rescue those left behind. As one vet put it, perhaps too kindly:

“One year later, I wish our nation had done more to assist and save our brothers and sisters that gave 20 years to our democracy project. But, I stand here in awe of what the veterans’ community has built and continues to fight for every single day for their friends. The men and women who stood shoulder to shoulder with them during years of deployments to ensure they came home…” So wish we, too …

Davd Soul


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