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Ozempic A Weight Loss Wizard of Oz?

WSJ says “Ozempic Settles the Obesity Debate: It’s Biology Over Willpower” based partly on pharma PR & a 2019 NIH study YET ignores human Will AND furthers drug culture myth via admission the drug must be used forever to keep the fat off.

Ya gotta read the whole article to get your head if not intestinal fortitude around this one. Not that the basic premise of quoted pharma experts might’nt be a truism for folks fighting chronic obesity, i.e., “Weight-loss drugs affect the brain in ways that help researchers understand how the body regulates weight … What these drugs have proven is that patients are right: It's not their fault.” But, the problem with that conclusion, if applied to average overweight folks, is it suggests the “brain [exclusively] regulates how much a person eats.” The pharma manufacturers of Ozempic & Mounjaro gotta love that kind of non-thinking. While, granted, ‘the success of the powerful new class of diabetes & weight-loss drugs shows how important chemistry is to determining a person’s weight … buried in the news is that these experts also conceded that “new set point lasts [only] as long as a patient is on the [weight loss] drug;” and in one scoop of vanilla a person’s own power to also train their brain for a long-term solution is excused away.

One anecdotal counterpoint: I once grew nearly 30 pounds over my “natural” weight & it took 3 long yrs to shed that excess in a roller coaster ride. Two steps forward were often followed by one or two steps back. But, without any drugs & with a strong dose of will power, listening to my body & prayer to a Higher Power than myself, I was able to train my brain to religiously exercise daily, eat a healthy diet, count calories, weigh myself every night & evaluate what feedback body & basic technology was feeding me. Result: I’m back at my “college weight” & feeling healthier, stronger than ever.

Davd Soul


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