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Pandering Psaki Pshaw’s Skyrocketing Pump Prices

WH press secretary Psaki's insisting US needs to switch to renewables to fight today’s skyrocketing energy costs is more evidence of her “War on Fossil Fuels” boss being in denial if not delusion as even a $20T check in the mail wouldn’t dent the inflationary crisis consumers face ... or, even global warming.

For instance, this weekend folks in DC’s Foggy Bottom region alone woke up to a .$10 to .$20 per gallon jump in prices at the pump that were already in the nose bleed range. And, when asked about it, Ms. Pistaki had the gall to glibly suggest to the gullible that, yeah, you know, the US needs to decrease its reliance on foreign oil by switching asap to renewable energy. Spoken as if right out of Greenpeace’s talking points. Never mind that many enabling infrastructure & technological advancements are still years if not decades to away from reality and, then, could be rendered worthless if Russia, China, India and others in the developing world stick to fossil fuel dependency & its resulting pollutants that more than offsets the West’s own unilateral sacrifices.

But, the real question in the moment is, Ms. Psaki, how long do you think the average American consumer can put up with this spiraling cost to heat the home THIS VERY winter, let alone drive the car to get groceries also costing 10-20% more than before you parked your butt in the WH just a few months ago?

Davd Soul


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