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Pardon International Amnesty’s Israel Apartheid Label?

WSJ’s editors finally had enough with the anti-Jewish crowd in “The ‘Apartheid’ Libel of Israel,” the latest alleged canard being circulated by Amnesty International report that “all but says the Jewish state shouldn’t exist”.

Noted the op ed: “Perhaps you thought Israel had long ago established its right to exist as a Jewish state. Guess again. Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran want to eliminate Israel as we know it, but who would have thought they’d find allies in Amnesty International?” Maybe anyone watching the rhetorical nonsense coming out of the Middle East for years now and more recently from the radicalized offices of some in the U.S. Congress, let alone the White House?

Continues the WSJ in a mia culpa: “Perhaps we should have known this given some of Amnesty’s sympathies with the global left. But the nonprofit advocate for political prisoners is going far beyond that with its 211-page [leaked] report labeling Israel an ‘apartheid’ state that deserves the world’s opprobrium & sanction … it deserves condemnation for its bias & lack of understanding about why Israel survives amid hostile neighbors.” But, then, we have the spectacle of a U.S. President & Congressional allies on the far left suggesting half of America is “racist” because it doesn’t support his/their ever-changing, oft-delusional, world view.

Davd Soul


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