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Paris Accord Compost In Need Of Melted Ice To Work?

The bad news is that the world’s ice is melting faster than ever & the bad news is Biden is rejoining the toothless Paris Accord. As President Trump said, the fake treaty (as usual) put all the burden of a clean environment on the USA while the rest of the world skated til doomsday, thereby exacerbating the predicted disastrous end game. Will Joltin’ Joe wake up & demand a global treaty that really walks the talk? Don’t hold your breath when so many egos are involved.

First, the first bad news. As the WSJ noted, the latest global satellite survey shows, “the Earth lost a sheet of ice 100 meters thick roughly equivalent to the size of the UK in recent decades”. The amount of melted ice has apparently added an inch to sea level and is “hard to imagine,” said Thomas Slater a U of Leeds fellow. “Ice plays a crucial role in regulating the global climate & losses will increase the frequency of extreme weather events (like) flooding, fires, storm surges & heat waves."

No kidding. Back to the other bad news, that is, the current “solution” stinks like compost. One apparently unique idea I’ll translate in Paris Accord jargon: Do, pray tell, get by far the biggest polluters … China, India & Africa … to cut the crap & immediately work with the US to cut their pollution by meaningful degrees. And, yessiree, THEY need to cover THEIR fair share of the cost in that real treaty.

Davd Soul


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