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Pastor Tosses Criminal Reform Dems Off Roof

Chicago’s “Rooftop Pastor” Corey Brooks has revelation about “foolishness in my state” as Illinois’ Dem-controlled legislature considers recasting “criminals” as “justice-impact individuals.”


In a Fox News op ed, Brooks set the Last Supper Table prophesy as follows: “Once again, our Illinois politicians believe they have the magic that will cure the crime that riddles our city of Chicago. I recently learned that our state’s Democratic lawmakers plan to introduce House Bill 4409 to amend the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009 in order to rename ‘offenders’” as you now know what. “That’s right,” laughs Brooks, “with the magic of rewording, we will no longer have ‘offenders’ or ‘criminals.’ Instead, we will have ‘justice-impacted individuals’ & the implication could not be clearer: Rather than being seen as criminals who victimized society they will be seen as victims of the system. I wish it were that simple.”


“If it were, I could stop my work as a pastor who has tried to reform criminals in the Woodlawn neighborhood on the South Side for the last 20 years.” I could stop construction on my massive Project H.O.O.D. community center [for which he’s raised $35 million so far] designed to take back the neighborhood from criminals. But you & I know that this latest move by our state politicians is just more leftist foolishness.” The pastor says he’s “tired” of the progressive wordsmithing nonsense that never seems to run out of self-defeating if not stupid ideas. “I’m tired of watching these liberals sprinkle this magic dust in my neighborhood over & over – for the last seven decades.”


Davd Soul


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