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Payne Knows True Joy Of Christmas Is Doing For Others

Business journalist Charles Payne shared in “All American Christmas” that “the true joy of Christmas” is realizing “there’s always something you can do for others;” if not donating a heart like a friend’s dying daughter did, then, simply buying a single mom & family a holiday meal.

The book by Rachel Campos-Duffy & Sean Duffy shares an “array of emotional holiday stories from Fox News personalities & Mr. Payne’s excerpt may be singular: “I’m blessed with great kids & grandchildren, but my wife received one of the greatest gifts possibly.” Mrs. Payne had a life-threatening heart condition since a teen & despite undergoing multiple surgeries death seemed imminent. In the midst of such sorrow, Mr. Payne was hosting a Fox News show in New York & noticed an e-mail during a commercial break from a close friend whose own 21-year-old daughter had tragically died in California – and he was reaching out to say he wanted his wife to receive his child’s heart. In another near miracle, the usual red tape was overcome within hours so that the Paynes were able to fly out to California, attend the donor’s funeral and plunge into what turned out to be a successful transplant surgery. “That young woman gave us back my wife, my kids’ mom, their kids’ grandmother,” Mr. Payne recalled.

Payne went on to say words seemed “inadequate to express my gratitude” … but, of course, “there’s always something you can do, and in this case, it took the form of paying it forward. What better way to honor [my friend’s] daughter than to give in a new way?” For the Paynes, that turned out to be helping less fortunate folks, like single moms, pay off their laid-away holiday gift purchases or giving them cash to afford a memorable Christmas dinner they otherwise couldn’t have had.

Davd Soul


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