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Peanut Congress Eats DACA 4 Lunch?

What an “Immigrant Crisis Week”! Appeals Ct declare’s Obama’s “DACA” by fiat “illegal” like we knew from get-go, then, Joe somehow blames “MAGA Republics” & NY’s Sanctuary Mayor bitches about sheltering 17K migrants… while VP Harris goes to Texas for campaign fundraiser but blows off down under.

Goosfraba, everyone! As the WSJ’s editorial board pointed out, “The Legal Way to Help the ‘Dreamers’” is for CONGRESS to do its job & finally fix the broken immigration system: “Ten years after President Obama decided to rewrite immigration law by executive fiat, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday rightly said what everyone knew all along: Mr. Obama’s program of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also called DACA, was illegal. The ‘Dreamers’ covered by it have safe harbor for now, but it’s incumbent on BOTH parties to find a legislative fix.”

As we know, Congress has “debated” for years whether to legalize Dreamers, but as the Journal says, “DACA killed the impetus for action … as did the Supreme Crt’s ruling blocking the Trump recission.” Perhaps an exasperated Obama & Trump were doing what they did to force the peanut-eating Congress to take the heat for enacting that needed fix. But, alas, is the only way to get Congress to act is to take its peanuts (i.e., votes) away from them?

Davd Soul


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