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Pelosi & Biden On Slow Boat 2 China & CRT?

Only a Pelosi could outdo anti-inflation Biden? After Taiwan, she took “Slow Boat to CRT” by recalling childhood “connection” with China & tales of being able to dig way there with toy shovel. Both old pols in Arrested Development?

As the House Speaker told reporters during a presser when back in Good ‘Ol woke USA: “When I was a little girl, I was told at the beach if I dug a hole deep enough, we would reach China, so we’ve always felt a connection there.” As a kid on the Southside of Chicago, I also was told those stories. And, about how many Pollacks it took to change a light bulb. But, even as a child of Polish decent, I had enough sense to be offended by the foolish jokes and never felt a “connection” with China or my European ancestors because of them. Quite the contrary. Wretch!

Likewise, President Biden continued to tell reporters the Dems’ $739 billion “Anti-Inflation Act” spending spree (per NY Post) will be “good for America … because it fights inflation”, even though 235 economists and the Congressional Budget Office said it won’t, and as minorities & middle class continue to suffer most under that economic weight. But, then, along came Nancy. Puke again!

Davd Soul


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