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Pelosi Denied Communion 4 House Divided 2 Stand?

SF bishop denying Pelosi Sacrament of Holy Communion for pushing unlimited abortions may be extreme BUT, isn't it about time someone in the Catholic Church publicly, without apology, clearly aligned its belief with its actions?

No doubt, Catholics everywhere will be at one another’s throats at this weekend’s services over the nation’s No. 1 divisive issue. No matter how many times the Vatican has proclaimed abortion to be against Church dogma as well as human rights, it has struggled at times in guiding its flock on this life & death issue; so much so, that many Catholic pols & parishioners have spent the past 50 years winking at it, often just to get elected or pretend a woman’s rights are somehow not aligned with their (born or unborn) children’s right to see the light of day like they do. I for one & after all these years, tend toward being a Bill Clinton centrist in saying abortion should somehow be “safe, legal & rare,” as determined by each state to be morally justifiable for serious health, family & even economic reasons.

But, it doesn’t matter what I think. Or, what the courts think of the Constitutional Right to Life. Or, that Ms. Pelosi and President Biden are quite typical in insisting they are “devout” Catholics, despite taking political positions that have resulted in the termination of tens of millions of fetal lives since the legally- & scientifically-bankrupt Roe v Wade “opinion” was unnecessarily & wrongly issued. For this one day, just this one time, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, showed the world a high Church official in the U.S. can “practice what they preach” so we can all have greater faith that our Holy House still stands on a morally sound footing. Who knows? Maybe even as Lincoln once wished, our nation’s House Divided can also yet find an abortion foundation upon which we can go forward together as better people.

Davd Soul


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