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Pelosi: Migrants Good 4 Picking Crops?

Pelosi says migrants are needed in Florida to “pick the crops down there”? It shows The Swamp’s ignorance of & distain for working folks outside of DC. But, it also suggests 82-yr-old Speaker is slipping as fast as WH79er.

As Fox News reported, our Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did one better than First Lady Jill Biden in the “How to Insult Hispanics 101” category as one GOP US Senate candidate mocked her in replying “Elitist Democrats think Hispanics are only good for picking their crops.” And, if Jill is right, Hispanics are also good cooks, i.e., if you like tacos.

Social Media also did a meltdown about Pelosi’s perceived “demeaning of migrants” as she gave a presser aimed really at Southern Governors who were bussing migrants to northern sanctuary cities to give them a bird-s eye view of the humanitarian crisis they are facing in their states. But, in doing so, she “openly admitted America should welcome in and profit off of illegal immigrants.” Rather than foolish trash-talking like this in the lead up to the mid-term elections in November, might Ms. Pelosi resort to Joe’s favored campaign tactic of “helping” Hispanics make the right choice at the polls with yet another new taxpayer handout?

Davd Soul


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