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Police Ignore Joe, Kill Man Tossing Molotovs

Raleigh police shot & killed a man after refusing to stop torching cars outside their police station with Molotov Cocktails & AN INVESTIGATION WAS LAUNCHED? Huh? Should the cops have taken Biden’s advice & knee capped the man?

Might the real Q be whether there is any longer any criminal conduct our first responders trying to protect us (& themselves) against, isn’t second guessed like an NFL ref’s call? Mind you, a local Fox News report says “body cameras & cameras outside the police station were active” & the local police chief promised to “petition a judge to have the body camera footage released.” Swell. In anticipation of what? FBI will be asked to look into the incident too. Again, might we ask why take this to a judge let alone the FBI? Unless the police chief is freaked out by those defund the police marches?

As Fox noted: “The incident began at around 1:20 pm when an officer observed a man lighting vehicles on fire …The officer then called for backup & 3 other officers arrived at the parking lot. The officers instructed the man to stop, but he continued to throw the Molotov cocktails, even tossing one near an officer … Multiple officers then discharged their weapons & the individual was struck multiple times…Police then proceeded to move the man away from burning vehicles & attempted to save his life.” No word on whether the police first asked the arsonist if he was deranged & would kindly put down the incendiaries so they could give him a lift to Shady Rest. Perhaps the police OVER-REACTED or, as NY Post reported President Biden once said officers might have just shot to wing the arsonist in the knee cap ala “Blacklist” or “White Collar” rather than to kill? Really? Can we run the tape one more time for Joe? AG Garland?

Davd Soul


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