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Polish Church Needs Rome’s Help But Burns In Own Hell?

WSJ says “In Catholic Poland, Young Are Leaving the Church” as “secularization, sex-abuse scandals & culture wars are contributing to the decline.” Where is a strong leader in Rome like the Polish Pope when needed?

The church in Poland, it might be argued, is not all that unlike others struggling with reconciling faith with politics … only more so. Said one young Polish male who says he “still believes in God, but I don’t like what the church is doing now, because it’s doing politics and that’s not what the church is supposed to do”? Yet, how can it not when crises on such issues as abortion, same sex marriage & pedophilia (while priests still aren’t allowed to marry) are front and center every single day? As in politics, you often windup pleasing no one. According to the Rev. Andrzej Kobylinski, a professor of philosophy at Cardinal Stefan Syszynski University in Warsaw, in 15 to 20 years, “it’s highly probable that the Catholic Church in Poland will meet the fate of the church in Ireland” that in “recent times has embraced liberal social policies including legal abortion and same-sex marriage and where the ‘social presence of the church has disappeared.’”

Maybe. Does it really HAVE to embrace “liberal social policies” as if the woke words appear in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John? Meanwhile, church leaders at the highest levels seem stunned, wishing the multiple & multiplying problems go away. They probably won’t. As all roads in Catholicism lead back to Rome, the leadership gap from there since John Paul’s death seems to widen as the faithful in Poland pray for earthly direction without getting enough of it.

Davd Soul


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