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Pols & Tech Gods Tale Of Mice & Men?

In “Debunking the Myth of the Tech Gods” WSJ poses that believing startup founders’ BS about being extra smart “harms wide swaths of society.” Think FTX. Can same be said of pols like Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Schumer?

The WSJ, of course, focuses on the most recent fiasco at FTX, in which millions of ordinary folk & savvy Wall Street mavens were suckered by the founding kid’s bogus sales pitch. Moreover: “Just this month, a pair of the world’s mightiest tech names, Amazon and Facebook, announced broad layoffs after years of breakneck hiring. Another giant, Google parent Alphabet, came under pressure from an activist investor to slash its costs …”

But, then, can the editors similarly explain how screwed up our economy is while the national debt has been run up by DC Swamp pols to $31 trillion and counting? The pandemic was expensive, true, but even the conservative newspaper has concluded the supposed political geniuses running our country went way over board in spending and for way too long of a time, even when it became clear the economy was “well on its way to recovery,” thereby tanking the recovery. Put another way, too often our men turn out to be mice …

Davd Soul


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