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PRC Clocks US With Own Farms & TikTok?

What’s worse? Chinese Communists owning all of USA’s farmland or its citizens personal data? POTUS wanna-be Fla Gov DeSantis says it’s former, while pundit Joe Rogan says it’s latter. Hint: It’s BOTH.

Gov. DeSantis has made it clear that one of the biggest national security risks facing the USA is in China buying up large swaths of America’s farmland. Mr. DeSantis ain’t exaggerating. By 2019, the USDA says, over 35 million acres have become controlled by entities under the PRC fist. The implications for America’s food supply are obvious as seen, e.g., the vice grip Russia’s Putin now has on the EU over its natural gas needs.

Similarly, Joe Rogan recently echoed US officials who have previously warned that Tik Tok, owned by a Chinese company called Bytedance, poses another threat to American security because PRC law requires its private businesses to share information and data whenever the government wants it. Noted Rogan: “I read TikTok’s terms of service, I went down a TikTok rabbit hole yesterday … This is so crazy.” Why, pray tell? Apparently, the TikTok contract’s small print notes how, “We collect certain information about the device you use to access the platform, such as your IP address … user agent, mobile carrier, time zone settings, identifiers for advertising purpose, device system, device IDs, operating system, file names and types, and keystroke patterns or rhythms …” So, Rogan said, “they’re monitoring your keystrokes, which means they know every f---ing thing you type.” TikTok, he added, also has the ability to similarly monitor multiple devices you use and “suck the data off them” as well. The end game, you think? Concluded Rogan: “It ends with China having all your data” and, presumably eating DeSantis’ farm-fed lunch.

Davd Soul


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