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PRC Gives Piece of Mind to US Asian Allies

Golfing maxim: “Keep your eye on the ball.” The advice might be no different for our national security experts as wars in the Middle East & Europe threaten to escalate. Yet, how about dem tensions in South China Sea as PRC tears new holes in area’s peace?


As the WSJ recently reported, “Collisions Tear Holes in US Ally’s Ships” and the “fresh encounters in the South China Sea [brought] dangers closer home for the Philippines.” Yet, the South Koreans & Japanese might be forgiven for responding with a “Welcome to Our World” as those US allies also have been subjected to repeated military as well as trade provocations from Communist China.


The threat is exaggerated, some might say? Consider the latest from the Philippines: “In the dead of the night … between the hours of 3 am and 4 am local time, at least three collisions occurred between coast guard ships belonging to China & the Philippines. The first tore a hole 36 ft in diameter on the starboard side of a Philippine coast guard vessel … About 16 minutes later, a Chinese coast guard vessel rammed another Philippine coast guard ship twice, ripping a gap 2.5 feet long & 3 feet wide on the port side.” Yet, another incident followed the next day. China of course covets much of the South China Sea, if not as much as Taiwan. Yet, it’s physical if limited attacks on Filipino ships is exactly the kind of thing that can cause human casualties and trigger a rapid escalation that will invariably involve a US military as well as diplomatic response. Are the powers that be in Washington ready for that eventuality?


Davd Soul


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