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PRC ‘s Secret Police Under Joe’s Nose?

Human Rights advocates say PRC is seeding Western democracies with scores of “secret” police stations & supposedly to “persuade” defectors to “come on home”. Time to flip Commie ploy, make it a GPS to out its spies?

The Fox News story suggests “China’s reported transnational policing [outposts], ostensibly created to “help” fleeing nationals with their passports and other foreign red tape, will ‘escalate very quickly’ unless [targeted] governments take action.” Safeguard Defenders, a pan-Asian human rights org, published an investigative report last month indicating that “the Chinese Communist Party has established at least 54 such police stations across 30 different countries,” mostly in Europe, with one in New York & 3 other North American cities. Safeguard notes the police outposts are never announced to the country or city they are quietly established in and doesn’t believe for a minute that its activities are limited to paper shuffling. They are a ruse that allows Chinese authorities to “carry out policing operations on foreign soil,” alleged Laura Harth, Safeguard’s campaign manager. Since April 2021, we’re told, 230K Chinese nationals have been “persuaded to return” home by a variety of means, including veiled or direct threats to relatives or livelihoods. “Obviously,” says Harth, “this shows how unaware, how naïve certain governments are, or choose to be at this stage.”

What, President Biden is being hoodwinked by the Communist Chinese? If son Hunter couldn’t fool No. 46 …

Davd Soul


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