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Printing Money To Pay 4 Free Stuff Equals INFLATION

The WSJ took the Federal Reserve Board to task in an op ed for “monetizing the national debt” aka printing money to pretend paying for trillions of dollars in new spending. While the Covid-19 pandemic certainly had something to do with that clever accounting trick as a stop gap in an emergency, the editors say it’s a recipe for runaway INFLATION in the long run. (It may be recalled that Bernie Sanders was suggesting doing exactly that FOREVER when he was campaigning for president & promising unlimited free stuff as well as electric cars for every one of America’s 337 million citizens.)

The Fed insists it’s no Bernie & its “open spigot” spewing new printed dollars is “transitory.” But, the WSJ wants to know, what if the FED really is pigging out on a Bernie pork roast from here on out? Isn’t President Biden’s $4 trillion budgetary windfall for the radical left’s agenda very much alive and kicking? As usual, the WSJ did a deep dive into the inflation warning signs. Suffice it to say that “rising inflation for the last two months has outstripped wage gains, meaning that real average earnings have fallen.”

In short, the WSJ suggests, all signs point to a long spell of increasing inflation “made in Washington”: If the Swamp continues to print money willy nilly in “one of the most radical fiscal and monetary experiments in peacetime history, Americans will [surely] be paying more for it.”

Davd Soul


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