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Pro-Abortion Joe’s Rape Rant Put On ICE

ICE now says an Ohio 10-yr-old who supposedly had to cross state lines to get an abortion & cited by Biden as reason Roe v Wade shouldn’t have been overturned had been raped by immigrant illegally crossing Joe’s border.

The story of the alleged rape, Fox News noted, was originally reported in the Indianapolis Star, cited by abortion advocates as an example of why abortion access was important to them, then, picked up by Biden and his speechmakers. “Ten years old,” a seemingly indignant Biden declared on national tv. “Raped. Six weeks pregnant. Already traumatized. Was forced to travel to another state. Imagine being that little girl.”

Yes, imagine. And, perhaps let’s also consider the many other victims of individuals who should never be in this country in the first place. Ironically, it was Joe’s “progressive” yet stalled immigration policy ploy that sought to narrow ICE enforcement priorities to 3 categories, including public safety,” that critics said could be used by bad actors to escape the agency’s border net. “While a court order recently stopped the administration from implementing the memo narrowing ICE priorities,” Fox noted, “a rape charge would almost certainly make an illegal immigrant fit into the category of a public safety threat.” BTW, the Ohio AG subsequently said exceptions to Ohio law would have allowed the raped girl to obtain an abortion in his state had somebody cared to check. Fox says a belated arrest warrant was “expected” for the rapist who, by the way, is now 27-yrs-old & not a 17-yr-old minor as originally claimed & reported.

Davd Soul


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