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Pro-Abortionists Broke Piggy Bank?

Fox op ed says “pro-abortion forces broke the bank” but failed to “convince voters abortion extremism is normal.” Over $400M in their spending spree still didn’t stop impressive victories by pro-life governors. Indies Rule?

Live Action President Lila Rose argued Dems “bet everything on abortion” in the midterms but it wasn’t enough to “achieve a clean victory” on the issue, notwithstanding their retaining control of the US Senate & avoiding a red tsunami in the House. Why? She says “Democrats were spending all their time and money selling something the American people do not want: abortion at any time in pregnancy, performed for any reason, at the taxpayer’s expense.”

Well, since there were no unanimous GOP gubernatorial wins, we can safely say SOME folks in America DO want those extremes. Just not independent thinking folks who are making up an increasing percentage of the electorate; at least, Gallup now says up to 40% of voters now identify themselves as independent. And, they can see foolishly extreme policies for what they are.

Davd Soul


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