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Progressivitis Trumps Wa Po, CNN, MSNBC?

It seems MSM outlets are losing money because they no longer have revenue-driver Donald Trump to kick around to sell ads, papers or viewership. So says WSJ in its “Washington Post Grasps for New Direction as Trump-Era Boom Fades.”

Noted the WSJ: “News outlet’s audience is down sharply, amid sector-wide declines; subscription growth has stagnated as readers look beyond politics.” Yet, as Fox News has noted, progressive cable networks like CNN & MSNBC are also experiencing a Post-Trump Pandemic in terms of tanking viewerships so maybe there’s something more driving the driver-less car?

In a word, maybe it has something to do with “Progressivitis”. This disease has taken over our society, but not because fundamental liberal ideas are inherently flawed. It’s just that when they (or any conservative counterpart) get radicalized and, therefore, foolish, inchorent, distorted to the point of ignoring reality, they cease to be listened to by folks with common sense.

Davd Soul


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