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Pumped Green Alarmists’ Bad Break at Pump

Breaking Bad actor says Americans should ‘stfu’ about gas prices if they ‘love capitalism so much’ & shows his ignorance common among woke Hollywood that it is THEIR socialist policies that are causing the $$ pain.

To be fair, it’s not that the oil companies aren’t still making their profits (maybe even a bit more) as they pass along their own rising costs to consumers … as they always do in a supposedly capitalist society. Yet, the progressives’ bird-brained “War on Fossil Fuels” … at all costs & without a moment’s delay … will not move the global warming needle more than a few inches while predictably driving down gas supplies & driving up the cost of getting the increasingly rare commodity.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders & Liz Warren also can’t seem to fathom the obvious fact of Economics 101. And, it really seems to be pissing them off that they & their politicized agendas are falling on the proverbial price hike sword they should have seen coming all along.

Davd Soul


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