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Putin AGAIN Duped Euros, Environmentalists On Energy?

Fox News suggests “Russia Duped Europe into energy dependence by funding ‘rabid environmental groups” but the ruse has been suspected for years before Ukraine invasion. If true, does it take a con to dupe a con? Did Putin AGAIN give globalists & environmental alarmists a real-life taste of their own PR medicine?

“The Russians actually fund some of the most rabid environmental groups in Europe because they sic them on the energy projects that aren’t Russian,” argued James Carafano, VP of a Heritage Foundation national security institute. It’s also alleged that “back in June 2014 just after Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine,” for instance, “European leaders sounded off that Russia was using disinformation operations with environmental groups to steer countries away from fracking in favor of Russian oil.”

Environmental groups, Fox notes, “have feverishly denied any [financial] ties to Russia” let alone being influenced by its propaganda. Yet, it’s also noted that “15 years ago, Europe produced more natural gas than Russia … but that all changed as Russia increased its natural gas production and Europe reduced it.” Is it a matter, then, of “fool me once … fool me twice”? Either way, has someone’s been duped, someone’s been played?

Davd Soul


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