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Putin Gaslights EU Again & Again

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again as Russia is cutting EU’s gas flow via Nord Stream to 20% after being hailed by gullible West’s pols & MSM for promising to keep the pipeline open. Another now you see it, now you don’t?

Do our elites ever learn not to be played by Putin’s fiddle? Recall how Russia was going to let the Ukraine grain flow westward again, then, bombed the port effectively upsetting that good news? Now the natural gas tune is being played as if on a Stradivarius as one WSJ story notes how EU citizens are already thinking about rationing Russian fossil fuel energy they’ve become dependent upon; especially since their premature “transition” to alternative energy sources has proven inadequate, while Biden’s War on Fossil Fuels in the US keeps them dependent on you know who back east.

Notes the WSJ: Russia’s key Gazprom energy company “blames problems with a turbine [while] German Economy Ministry says there’s no technical reason for a reduction.” Please. We’ve heard Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, in which the Russian Czar hoodwinks Napoleon and ruins him. Hear those bells tolling? They toll for E(urope).

Davd Soul


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