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Putin Plays Biden Like Charlie Daniels Fiddle In Ukraine?

Most Swamp pols & pundits worry about Putin being an ambitious war-monger in the “Ukraine Crisis” instead of a weasel-like Machiavellian playing everyone like a fiddle. Surely Vladimir knows Joe is no Stradivarius & has already cowered the Euros as well as dissidents at home while having options to keep the concert going.

At least, so suggests a minority of Ukraine watchers, including Fox contributor Dan Hoffman, who says Putin’s biggest worry isn’t NATO, but a successful democracy in Ukraine; hence, the Russian president’s many moves to destabilize neighbors (don’t forget the nearby Poland & Czech Republic). Meanwhile, Putin maintains a “menu of options” including keeping his 100K bored troops on the Ukraine border while boosting vodka sales, disrupting Ukraine commerce by blockading the Black Sea & Sea of Azov, having his special forces already in Ukraine run current president Zelensky to Mar a Lago … or, launch more cyber-attacks on anyone in the U.S. or its orbit, much like the ransom-seeking hackers do to corporate America.

“I have a high level of confidence Putin will do something,” Hoffman added. “As far as what that is, I’m not even sure if Putin has decided yet.” Sure you do, Dan. One, Putin’s not likely wanting a widespread, ridiculously expensive, boots on the ground shooting war; two, he can easily keep playing Joe like a cheap Charlie Daniels fiddle while keeping his real pro-Democracy audiences at bay.

Davd Soul


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