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Racial Affinity Calculus & Eating Crow

How ironic that today’s progressives are campaigning for a “return to the days of ‘separate but equal’” & otherwise dummying down standards until merit no longer counts for much, especially when it comes to educating our kids.

As the WSJ op ed began: “Twenty years ago George W. Bush struck a political chord by arguing that settling for low achievement in schools was ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations.’ Today our educators are defining expectations down & lowering standards in the bargain.” For instance, the editors observed, “School districts in California have cut honors classes because they didn’t enroll enough minority students. Colleges are dropping standardized tests for admissions. Now comes an Illinois high school [Chicago suburban Evanston] that will offer Advanced Placement calculus classes [but] specifically [aka dumbed down] for black & ‘Latin’ students.”

Does anyone remember the landmark US Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board of Education during waning stages of the Jim Crow Era? You know, the case heralded by Civil Rights advocates that ruled “separate but [supposedly] equal” education policy based on race is unconstitutional? Evanston school officials apparently have because they tried to double down & “sell” their new progressive calculus brainstorm by “tweaking” their original curriculum description with an assurance white kids could apply [yet rather they not] line; as the editors opined, that follow up was really calculated to avoid a civil rights lawsuit by white protesters. Well, this progressive hypocrisy if not foolishness doesn’t add up, does it? Any more so than the “separate but equal” canard of the 40s & early 50s.

Davd Soul


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