Radical Biden An Adams, Robespierre, Lenin Or Bozo?
Should we be concerned that radicals have taken over President Biden’s conscience? Brainwashed him into a delusional Green New Deal, open borders, higher taxes?
History teaches radicals can sometimes be good & mostly bad. Example of the good is Sam and John Adams along with the other Founding Fathers. The authors of the U.S. Constitution have been the light of the world for nearly 250 years, save for the hypocrisy in compromising on slavery and punting it for Lincoln and Douglass to sort out. Example of the bad is Robespierre and others responsible for France’s Reign of Terror during its Revolution, which btw happened at roughly the same time as America’s. Both were about ridding the world of the tyranny of kings, yet each had a drastically different result. Was it a coincidence? Or, was it the men calling the shots? In France, there were mostly lawyers making up the 12-member Committee of Public Salvation led by Robespierre. Saying the 12 were a bunch of nut cases is being too kind. As Vincent Cronin in “Napoleon Bonaparte: An Intimate Biography” noted, e.g., Collot d’Herbois had a “pathological streak of violence,” Herault de Sechelles was an “amoral rake,” while Saint Just “wrote a pornographic poem and ran off with his widowed mother’s silver.” Together, they tried to wipe out Christianity & murdered thousands of innocents without trial because, as Robespierre explained, “clemency is barbarous.”
Then, of course, there’s the Bolshevik Lenin’s Russian Revolution, which offed the czar’s head and unleashed wars and economic chaos on the world for half a century. Who does Mr. Biden’s economic and foreign advisors Sanders, Warren and Kerry remind you of? Adams? Robespierre? Lenin? Or, Bozo?
Davd Soul
