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Radicalized Dems Eat Joe’s Dairy Queen?

Should extremists who ran over Dem Party leaders & are now accusing Joe Biden of “not fighting” for their economically suicidal agenda ala “Bullhorn” AOC “look in the mirror” as they abandon the puppet they put in WH?

So suggests the WSJ’s Dan Henninger, who argues in “Joe Biden’s Presidency Is Sinking,” that “blind ambition [may have] brought Mr. Biden into the presidency … But his inadequacies have little to do with the new story line that [Fightin’ Joe’s] failing because he won’t ‘fight’.” Bluntly, Henninger opines, “The reason most Americans don’t want Mr. Biden to run is that it’s clear by now that he has [unacceptable] cognitive problems ... Since Inauguration Day, every public statement he has made to the American people, large or small, has been written by someone else for him to read by rote from a teleprompter. His off-the-cuff follow-ups are painful ... Those around him knew there was a problem …”

So, the string of catastrophes ensued. “Following the [botched] pullout from Afghanistan, the administration [& congressional leaders] abandoned its election mandate for healing moderation & went left. Bowing to demands from [radical] Sanders-Warren progressives, the administration put in motion a New-Deal-like spending plan that included 4 new major entitlement programs … The whole of the Democratic Party, led by House Spkr Pelosi & Senate Majority Ldr Schumer, chose to blow by all the red flags in a 'mania' to end fossil fuels. Inflation is today 9.1% ...” With “unembarrassed gall,” then, the Democrats who gave the country Joe Biden & designed the policies that collapsed beneath him [are] knifing their own creation” who would mostly want to enjoy a vanilla ice cream cone at Rehoboth Beach. “Et tu, Bernie?”

Davd Soul


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