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Ramblin’ Joe To Clarify Classified Ads?

Who’d of thunk 1970s critics were right that too much gov’t info was being “classified”, not to protect national secrets, but to cover bureaucrats’ a****? New study suggests the Swamp needs to Go Back To The Future.”

As the WSJ reports, we now have updated proof of what had always been obvious to many: “US officials classify information that should either be public or more widely shared with the government, hobbling national defense objectives & jeopardizing congressional oversight of the executive branch.” At least, that’s the key finding in the 2-yr study conducted by the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center. And, it’s based on interviews with dozens of current & ex officials from the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, State Dept, & congressional staffers.

Of course, the myriad of rules surrounding “classified documents” do’s & don’ts are currently cursing Presidents Trump & Biden. And, they’ve not only befuddled Congress trying to do its oversight job, but the press & average citizen simply wanting to know basic information affecting their lives & willing to be patient with the just-as daunting rules governing info requests under the Freedom of Information Act. WSJ says Mr. Biden, in one of his lucid moments, is thinking about yet another of his executive orders “to overhaul the classification system.” How many docs are we talking about Ramblin’ Joe straightening out? “Billions,” the WSJ sources say. What are the Las Vegas odds on him ordering change without making things WORSE? (Somebody please tell him this has NOTHING TO DO WITH CLASSIFIED ADS in the MSM).

Davd Soul


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