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Rand's Ideas & Son Of Joe's Outcomes

In Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” a character notes his bankruptcy happened “Gradually, then suddenly.” An analogy could be made to Ayn Rand’s predictions about today’s social upheaval growing out of “rotten ideas” creating “rotten outcomes.”

It was WSJ's William McGurn who gave us the Hemingway “drip til you puke” anecdote in the context of how “Hunter Bidens’ Bargain Plea” was supposed to end cover up charges to Joe's son’s debauchery; but as more evidence surfaced there’s now hardly anyone around who believes Joe Biden’s “claim he never discussed his son’s business.” AND (btw, one of Hemingway’s favorite counter-cultural words to start a sentence), it was a Fox story on Rand, the “Atlas Shrugged” author, who warned how “many foundational pillars of society in the US [would start] … crumbling … before our eyes, weakened by an erosive array of social, economic & political forces.” Among the philosopher's observations: “Gov't would encroach on parental rights, stifle academic & scientific research & fuel a dangerous mentality of victimhood.”

According to Kerry Byrne's Fox article, “The deterioration of traditional cultural norms & the social upheaval that’s followed [after WWII] – from the living room to classroom the boardroom – is no surprise to Ayn Rand scholars.” Yaron Brook, chair of the Ayn Rand Institute explained, “She understood that culture, society & politics are shaped by philosophy & when she saw the philosophical trends of the 1940s & 1950s she knew where it would eventually lead.” Nor is it a surprise to those conservatives like William Buckley who also railed against post-war liberalism run amock, starting slowly like a cancerous growth in our universities controlled by coastal elites who, in turn, infested our entire educational system. The infiltration eventually would spread thru the MSM, the Swamp & finally the corporate board rooms. What shape would you say our educational system is in now? What are polls saying about Americans’ faith in politicians, the MSM & God Almighty? AND, as McGurn wondered, is there anyone who still believes Joe?

Davd Soul


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