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Reagan & Trump Tax Reforms Put Biden To Shame?

Just as the Democratic economists & then-progressives were proven wrong to doubt Reagan’s pro-growth tax cuts, the WSJ concludes No. 45’s “Corporate Tax Reform Worked” in jump starting Obama’s stagnant economy, just as Joe & Co. try to blow it…

As the editorial board noted, federal “revenue is surging” thanks to the 2017 tax reform, thereby “exceeding what the CBO & critics had predicted.” In short, “reform [aka tax cuts] have been a winner for the economy and federal tax coffers.” Yet, they warned, “Democrats are still looking to raise $1.6 trillion in new taxes this year,” which would add still more fuel to Joe’s run-away inflation economy and “restart the game of companies looking to invest elsewhere [aka other countries] in search of lower rates.”

Getting proven wrong about the economics of taxation time after time should get tiring for the losers; yet Joe & other progressives somehow claim THEIR AGENDA THESE PAST 12 MONTHS accounts for Uncle Sam’s Trump-driven windfall. They don’t seem to realize they look to others as gluttons for embarrassing themselves and incapable of admitting to getting it wrong time after time.

Davd Soul


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