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Real Reason Chicago’s Mayor Got Booted

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ousted in landslide? MSM & mayor gave many reasons, incl ‘I’m black, gay, female,” tho she was that when elected. Truth from ex-Chumbolone is we’ll vote for any blue Cretan but not whiner who plainly sucks at the job.

Yet, here we had the MSM … including NY Times, AP & even local newspapers like the Tribune & Sun-Times … solemnly opine how Ms. Lightfoot’s early "outsider" popularity was slowly whittled away by ill-advised spats with the city’s Dem teachers & police unions. Yet, the polls clearly showed a whopping 90% of voters thought “crime” to be the most important issue on their wish list and a voter rebellion was in the making for that reason alone. That's because crime, always bad here, WAS soaring under Lightfoot's watch, even spilling over to the city’s sacred “Magnificent Mile.” Fox notes the city's murder rate has gotten to be FIVE TIMES NYC's & twice LA's ... and as Greg Gutfeld marveled, "SHE BLAMES THE VICTIMS" for being so careless when they venture out at night.

True, past Machine mayors, from Richard J. Daley, to Richard M., to Harold Washington to Rahm Emmanuel, had similar headaches (except maybe for the Mag Mile meltdown). Having lived in Chicago or its burbs for over 40 years, I can attest to the city’s perpetually CRAPPY schools, union tugs of wars & violent crime. Hell, this WAS Capone’s stomping grounds. But, through it all, every one of those past re-elected mayors had one thing in common: They found a way to make the “City That Works” clunk along if not work. They weren’t excuse-machines, finger-pointers & clueless snivelers. Chicagoans will put up with pathetic pro sports teams for decades if not centuries (think “Cubs”) as long as they show some backbone. And, they’ll keep going back to the same old blue trough like horses ok with dirty water so long as the trough doesn’t fall to pieces as they sip the crud in it. But, lying to their faces like a Jessie Smollett? Na-na-na-na, HEY-HEY, GOOD-BYE.

Davd Soul


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