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Resolute Cage’s Escape From Bankruptcy

Trapped in massive debt, actor Nicolas Cage dispels rumors he was an irresponsible Hollywood spendthrift while admitting he was “over-invested in real estate;” he assures he never went bankrupt because “I was caring.”

We might recall those MSM stories about how the “National Treasure” star went from one of the 90s top blockbuster actors to experiencing a string of box office flops with dogs like “Ghost Rider.” As Fox Business notes, “It wasn’t long after when reports piled up, alleging Cage, born into the Coppola film dynasty, blew his $150 million fortune & owed the IRS $6.3 million, resulting in him taking every role that came his way just to get out of debt.” Mr. Cage recently told GQ magazine, yes, he was on a mission to pay off those debts “by starring in straight-to-VOD films”. YET ...

Yet, belated Cudos to this remarkably honorable 58-yr-old Hollywood icon as he “became debt-free nearly 2 yrs ago.” He bluntly explained how he did it & why: “I’ve got all these creditors & the IRS & I’m spending $20,000 a month trying to keep my mother out of a mental institution & I can’t … ” Many people advised Cage to file for bankruptcy but he refused to do so. Instead, his road less travelled was to accept humbling roles in even crappy VOD movies, provided he could make them at least entertaining. “When I was doing 4 movies a year, back to back, I still had to find something in them to be able to give it my all … They didn’t work, all of them. Some were terrific like ‘Mandy.’ But I never phoned it in. So, if there was a misconception … that I was just doing it & not caring … I WAS caring.” In the end, then, Bravo!

Davd Soul


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