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Retiree Funds Also Imperiled By Weak US In Ukraine?

You can bet folks’ retirement savings are in jeopardy thanks to a “weak” US response to latest Russian aggression in Ukraine as the S&P 500, down 10% from its last peak, entered correction territory & economists warn it could drop another 6% if shooting war starts ... as it apparently has overnight ...

As Fox Business noted, investors are “weighing the fresh U.S. & ally sanctions announced by President Biden BUT the WSJ’s editorial board rapidly concluded they are “still too weak against Putin” & No. 46's apparent “restraint” could wind up inviting further aggression. What happened to the repeatedly promised “unprecedented” fire and brimstone should Putin put any troops into Ukraine? The editors used Mr. Biden’s own words against him, i.e., when he asked, “Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries?” WSJ’s answer: “A complacent West, which has failed to impose serious costs despite more than a decade of Russian aggression.”

Meanwhile, warned Goldman’s Dominic Wilson, one might not look to the vaunted American “high tech” industry to offset the large cap woes since the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite is also “already down 14% this year” and “could plunge another” 9-10%.

Davd Soul


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