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Retirees Also Lose Trillions To Stock Rot

Yeah, insane gas prices are hurting the elderly too but NOT as much as the pain they are feeling as their retirement accounts lose TRILLIONS from stock rut (aka rot) & the ongoing stock market rout.

Oh, sure, once in a while the Bear Market we’ve been seeing under Biden’s watch in 2022 will get relief as die hard Bulls try to mount a rally, sometimes a lot in one day. Yet, the WSJ warns such temporary bumps are unlikely to fill in the huge pot holes being made in our 404(k)s or prevent the downward pressures to continue into the foreseeable future. So far the S&P 500 is down 21% from January highs, the Nasdaq nearly 30% & the Dow 16%. There’s a reason, the paper notes, why “investors are fleeing” the stock market “for cash and government securities.”

One woman told Fox Business her 401(k) has been “decimated” so much that she is “now wondering if her plans for starting her golden years might need to be delayed.” A number of folks interviewed said they are “scared to even take a peek at where their accounts stand.” Can’t blame them …

Davd Soul


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