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Rockne’s Hitting Technique & Hamlin

That Knute Rockne All American film showed classic & safest way to block as well as tackle or get tackled (e.g., use padded shoulder to hit waist & wrap up with arms) but today's knockout mentality refuses to learn as suggested by Hamlin scare.

Of course, football is meant to be a brutal contact sport, but never on a “no holds barred” basis. And, common sense was practiced early on about how to protect BOTH offensive AND defensive players. You might recall how the Chicago Bears’ DBs Doug Plank & Gary Fencik regularly drilled would-be receivers torpedo style from the blind side and with the hard helmet as the dart’s lead point. They were so successful at scaring the bejesus out of ends as they tried to catch a pass between 1975-82 that the tactic gradually became widespread. Not that a few other NFL DBs at the time didn’t do the same thing, perhaps even inspiring Plank & Fencik to wreak the same havoc. But, it’s arguable these two Bears made the grizzly hit man role popular, until even many High School & college coaches were teaching it for a time.

Fast forward to defensive safety Hamlin being hit (or blocked) & the tearful reaction of many of the players. Don’t know exactly how the hit to Damar’s upper chest caused the heart to stop or even whether the blow & result were a “freak” accident. But, the players know something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. That’s ok with most of them since they knew what the game had turned into when they signed those big buck contracts. And, in such a fast-paced sport played by 200-350-lb he-men who can run like the wind, accidentally inflicted pain is inevitable. Yet, you’d think it’s about time EVERYONE practiced what they preach about player safety … and tackled and blocked like the Rock told ‘em.

Davd Soul


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