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Roe & Wade: Can Bad Policies Ever Change 4 Good?

WSJ’s Dan Henninger conceded a Roe v Wade reversal would “disrupt US politics” but also “the idea no liberal policy can ever change.” Like defunding police & open borders by an ever-power grabbing federal government?

The list never mentioned by Mr. Henninger can go on. How about mandating vaccinations regardless of one’s religious conviction, giving drugs to homeless addicts, creating tent cities to warehouse rather than institutionalize & care daily for the severely mentally ill? Or, confiscating licensed guns from law-abiding citizens so their families are at the mercy of thugs; then, making sure rioters can loot businesses without consequences, but throwing the book at those peacefully protesting the growing power of a federal government at the expense of states?

Then, there’s the progressive insistence upon a “critical race theory“ that teaches elementary children all white people are privileged at the expense of whomever, whether they know it or not or themselves live in poverty? And, consider the Green New Deal” that advocates immediately switching an entire nation to non-carbon energy sources as if it can be done with the flick of a switch & regardless of the trillions such haste would cost, thereby bankrupting that nation, while China, Russia & India continue to pollute the globe so severely it would negate any small advantage gained?

Noted Henninger at one point: At stake in the Roe v Wade reversal debate may very well be Americans ability to even question the wisdom of big government’s existing policies … like, but not limited to, abortion?

Davd Soul


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