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Romney’s Message To Biden: Cut The Crap & The Pork

Finally, Mitt Romney is spot on in his WSJ op ed, “Biden’s Stimulus Bill is a $1.9 Trillion Clunker.”

Senator Romney’s logic is devastating: Biden’s so-called stimulus package “would waste hundreds of billions of dollars, do nothing meaningful to get kids back to school, & enact policies that work against job creation.” The damning stats: “The CBO’s recent analysis of the plan found that more than a third of the proposed funding -- $700 billion – wouldn’t be spent until 2022 or later, undermining the administration’s claim that the massive price tag is justified for urgent pandemic-related needs.” Shade’s of the Obama “shovel ready” infrastructure canard foisted on American taxpayers? That is, the much ballyhooed initiative that would supposedly trigger an economic boom only to help result in 8 long years of economic stagnation?

Mr. Romney goes on to call out the massive amount of political pork in Biden’s turkey of a “plan” – from overly generous one time checks to taxpayers who will not be able to spend the cash at locked down bars, restaurants, theaters, hotels & arenas …to… over the top unemployment checks that encourage folks NOT to get back to work. The Senator’s list of bad Biden bids needn’t be repeated here. However, his message of both party’s compromising is & it comes down to this: Cut the crap, Joe, as well as the pork.

Davd Soul


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