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Ron Runs Over Don Or Non Of The Above?

DeSantis’ “Tsunami”, says Fox’s Peek, casts Florida Gov as new RNC leader. She’s not alone as many conservatives also sense a wounded Trump after wafting in his cologne for 6 yrs. But will DeSantis bite the apple?

As GOP Sen. Lindsay Graham said in the wake of fewer than hoped for congressional mid-term victories & some painful losses by Trump-backed candidates, Mr. Trump’s endorsements are any more to blame for those defeats than credit would have been due to him if the opposite happened. And, going into election night, Trump supposedly had a 7 to 1 advantage among GOP voters. Yet, as if he sensed things were too good to be true, Trump had spent much of LAST week hinting that NEXT week he’s going to formally launch his 2024 presidential campaign. He even lobbed a pre-emptive strike at a DeSantis challenge with a new nick-name. Judging from the reaction, IT BACK-FIRED badly. It was another reason to sense something was amiss. At least Trump had the sense to later say he had voted for DeSantis who’s a “fine guy.” Not that this closest thing to a Trump apology means he’d accept a VP role on a DeSantis ticket.

Maybe most disconcerting to the Trump camp now is that the victorious DeSantis sounded in his victory speech like Winston Churchill preparing to campaign for Prime Minister, but then kept mum at any query about his presidential plans – a sure sign he’s thinking seriously about a presidential run. Meanwhile, even the Trump-backed JD Vance didn’t mention him in his Ohio Senate victory speech. One can almost hear DeSantis’ phone sounding like a Westminster clock striking High Noon today. And, the callers aren’t asking him to back down from a primary showdown with you know who.

Davd Soul


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