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Rubio Right About Joe’s Climate Czar Kissing PRC A**?

Sen Marco Rubio’s Fox op ed urges President Biden to “fire” his climate czar, John Kerry,” for allegedly investing at least $1M in a Chinese environmental company using “slave labor.” Sen. Rubio says the revelation explains Mr. Kerry’s opposition to his bill that would punish the CPR (& such companies) for profiting from the making of “climate” products by oppressing Uyghurs & others. “Sometimes,” the senator concluded, “the most obvious explanation is the right one.”

Senator Rubio is diplomatic enough to concede Mr. Biden badly wants a climate deal with China & naturally wouldn’t want to rock the boat right when Mr. Kerry is in “talks” aka a** kissing exercises with the CPR leaders. “But, it gets worse,” Rubio adds, because the Chinese firm or firms Mr. Kerry has invested in were “blacklisted by the Trump administration in 2019 for being complicit in the surveillance, detention & repression” of its enslaved workers.” Simply put, “Kerry appears to be profiting from slave labor.”

Yet, there’s another “obvious explanation” for Kerry’s & Joe’s silence on the slave labor issue, which Sen. Rubio is too nice to bring up, at least, in his op ed. That is, Mr. Kerry, like Mr. Biden, is a life-long DC Swamp creature; as such, Kerry’s hardly more “ethically challenged” than Biden, who reportedly has a “joint” bank account with son & China favorite, Hunter, who’s under federal investigation for God knows what alleged financial peccadilloes. Knowing this, Mr. Biden is not likely to fire Kerry (or, anyone else) who could blow the lid off that Hunter infused legal powder keg. As GW Law Prof. Jonathan Turley recently suggested, Biden appears to have been caught red handed in bed with Hunter’s powder keg & is waiting for it to explode in his face.

Davd Soul


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