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Rubio’s “Commonsense Conservativism” Word Too Far?

Florida Senator Marco Rubio might (again) be right on for recently reminding on Fox News “Commonsense Conservativism” is an ‘enormous opening’ for the GOP to shift to a pro-worker agenda. It’s pretty much the same message he delivered to a thousand attendees, including myself, at Catholic University in DC during the 2020 campaign. But, might we suggest Sen. Rubio unnecessarily falls into the trap of trying to UNIFY the electorate by DIVIDING them along ideological lines?

Isn’t what most voters (and, certainly, most independents) yearn for is a simple commitment to governing through good, old-fashioned COMMON SENSE & at least a de-emphasis on meaningless labels like “conservative” or “liberal” that have been stretched to the point of being anything any demagogue wants them to represent?

Sen. Rubio also needn’t limit his Gideon’s Trumpet call to the “private union workers,” who “traditionally gravitated toward Democrats … turned off by the left’s ‘woke’ rhetoric.” Not only does Mr. Rubio’s premise arguably go beyond verbiage, but to a wide swath of flesh & blood voters who have learned the hard way that slavery to any ideology or “ism” can create more problems than it solves. Isn’t that just COMMON SENSE? Ask Thomas Paine.

Davd Soul


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