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Rule of Law Says “Illegal Alien” Is Illegal

If the Rule of Law has been the “glue” that held our society together these past 248+ years, then, Democrats clamoring for ICE to not deport illegal violent alien felons are essentially urging the overthrow of the government if not society.


There’s no way to sugar coat that conclusion. Jason Rantz stopped short of saying as much in a Fox News op ed titled, “Why do Democrats defend violent criminal illegal immigrants against Trump raids?” He too kindly assigned the Dems’ motivation to their preferring to “score political points than to keep Americans safe.” According to Rantz, “What’s infuriating is that Democrats don’t even care about the communities they claim to defend. If they did, they’d support getting violent predators out of immigrant neighborhoods. Instead, their [failed progressive] policies put everyone – citizens and immigrants – at great risk.”


That’s fine as far as it goes. Unfortunately, I’d argue the issue is even more than “risking” folks’ safety on any given day with delusional policies. I’d say that by brushing aside or redefining the Rule of Law to fit their politics, especially when it comes to the repeat & non-repentant offenders among us, the Democrats are betraying the very foundation upon which our country [or any country] sinks or swims.


Davd Soul


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