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Russian Bear Set To Gobble Biden, Blixen & Ukraine?

Biden & Blixen, er, Blinken better not be “bluffing” Russia with more toothless tough talk on its Ukraine border buildup cause Putin may just call & raise them. As the WSJ editors warned, the oft-"underestimated" Russia’s leader “is probing to see if the US really would push back … and [even] an invasion is possible.”

Recall Mr. Biden met with Putin in June to improve relations, but “the returns have been negative.” Noted the WSJ: “Russia has [since] tested an anti-satellite missile that could be used against US assets. Belarus, with support from Moscow, has weaponized migrants along the EU border" and “Russia has moved 90K troops to the edge of Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, Putin has little reason to worry about his provocations since all we’ve done in return is lecture him on the virtues of a “diplomatic” solution while pretending to carry a big stick as Teddy Roosevelt ONCE did. “We are prepared to impose severe costs for further Russian aggression in Ukraine,” Blinken said before heading to Stockholm to meet his Russian counterpart. “ And, he added, “NATO is prepared to reinforce its defenses on the eastern flank.” Huh? A few new sanctions will stop Putin from regaining the Ukraine he covets? And, our NATO allies … who have been sucking up to Putin like piglets latched onto momma's teats … are really on the same page about any kind of military action? “The best way to send that [deterrence] message” the editors argued, “is more lethal military assistance to Ukraine, whose troops are fighting & dying against Russian-backed separatists in the east.” Yet, Poland has been begging for such military help since Solidarity shed Communism. Concluded the WSJ: “The moment is more dangerous than most Americans realize … [and] … it’s foolish to believe” rhetoric or more sanctions alone will make a Russian invasion less likely.

Davd Soul


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