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Russian Casualties Reliable ala Steele Dossier?

Remember body counts bandied during Viet Nam battles to “sell” effort at home. You’d have sworn Viet Cong were dropping like flies while US casualties were far lighter. Believe estimated 200K Russian casualties in Ukraine?

As the WSJ notes, “The [latest Pentagon & other Western sources] estimates come as Moscow’s forces push to seize an advantage as the anniversary of the war approaches” & as Western tanks & other military weaponry are on their way to the front to help the valiant Ukrainians continue to resist. BTW: The Ukrainian losses, we’re told, are roughly half the Russians’ ...

But, how can that be when the Ukrainians, we’ve been repeatedly told, have been & continue to be vastly overmatched by the Russian juggernaut, despite more & more military aid being poured by the US & its EU allies? Russian "disregard for the loss of life" can only go so far in explaining the implied gap in casualties. As Pres. Zelensky keeps insisting, “it’s just not enough … We need more.” The latest demand, after the tank drama, being a call for the West's fighter jets. As the WSJ earlier noted in separate coverage, the PR game being played now seems to be for the Ukrainians to make a request, for President Biden to respond with a “no way,” & to ask again after a PR push, which results in fulfillment of the original ask or part of it. Not that the Ukrainian Play heading into Act II isn’t worth the West’s treasure. But, as yet another WSJ piece warns the Russians have historically won its wars by merciless attrition. Kinda like the Viet Cong did in Viet Nam, the body counts (accurate or not) notwithstanding. Just so long as we all know the real score.

Davd Soul


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