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Russian Logistics In Ukraine Sublime Or Ridiculous?

Mary Lincoln called Grant a “butcher” for losing so many men in whipping Lee, but the first “First Lady” might say same for Russia’s mucked up Ukraine general who’s lost thousands to underequipped Ukrainians & can’t resupply his forces.

Truth is, the Russians have historically been brilliant in defending their homeland … with a big assist from Mother Nature … against the invading Swedes under King Charles XII, Emperor Napoleon & Germany’s Hitler … all of whom were consumed by a vicious winter as much as marauding Cossacks. But, their decade-long Afghanistan misadventure & now the stalled Ukraine invasion shows how WEAK the Russian military is in “Blitzkrieg 101.”

As the WSJ explains in its “Russia’s Military Struggles to Supply Its Forces,” it’s become clear Putin’s warlords STILL haven’t conquered their traditional “weaknesses in logistics” thereby leaving their men in the field suffering “shortages of food, fuel and ammunition.” As Napoleon said during his retreat from Moscow in 1812, “there is a fine line between the sublime and the ridiculous.”

Davd Soul


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