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Russian Tanks Not Helping Biden’s Tanking Poll Numbers

Pres Biden’s foreign affairs approval rating plummeted this week to 40% & he can’t blame favorite whipping boy, a Russian disinformation campaign, but must face voter disgust with his ballyhooed but failed “diplomacy” effort in Ukraine.

Note, the latest poll was taken BEFORE Russia actually invaded Ukraine & belied the popular view that his reliance on a shaming PR campaign coupled with threatened sanctions (that, btw, turned out to be closer to be less than draconian) were not likely to deter Putin from launching his predictable invasion; if anything, many folks think the ineffective bluster emboldened the tyrant who saw through the BS and they worry about how the unfolding events are going to further hype a rapidly escalating inflation (esp. gas prices) back home (which, btw, quickly soared over $100 per barrel with a big assist to Mr. Biden's own War on Fossil Fuels).

Not coincidentally, Fox News noted, Gallup also found that 62% of American adults disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, while only 36% approve of his handling of Russia. Tanks to Putin & pussying around with him?

Davd Soul


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