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Russkie Demand 4 Alaska A Dupa Idea Dems Mite Go 4?

UK paper reports a Russian lawmaker is demanding the US return Alaska & make reparations for the West’s economic sanctions now hurting his Ukraine-invading nation. Kiss our dupa? Or, will today’s woke US pols & collegians take up the outlandish Russkie cause?

Apparently, Oleg Matveychev, a member of the state Duma, “outlined on Russian state television a set of demands for the US and Ukraine after Kiv’s ‘demilitarization is completed,’” the Express says & as relayed by Fox News. Besides reparations for sanctions and return of Alaska the US bought from the Russian czar in 1867, he also wants a former Russian settlement at Fort Ross, 90 miles north of San Francisco.

I say, give Oleg not only the fort but ALL of hopelessly progressive San Francisco. See if he can solve that city’s massive crime, homeless & drug crises. The Dems might also love the idea since 52% in a recent Quinnipiac poll said they’d rather “flee than fight” a Russian-Ukraine style invasion to stop it, i.e., if push came to shove. But, mineral & oil rich Alaska? Never. Oleg can kiss our collective dupas, even if Joe, Nancy, Chuck, Bernie & Liz, say it’s “only fair.”

Davd Soul


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