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Sanctuary Cities Endanger Legal Logic?

Constitution’s 10th Amendment is used as legal basis for “Sanctuary Cities” to NOT enforce federal laws like immigration but, if so, why can’t rural cities & counties threatened by illegal aliens pass “Endangered” laws to do the opposite?


The thought came to me when reading about Sanctuary City politicians declaring war on the incoming Trump Administration & the Congressional Hispanic Caucus chair saying his group would oppose mass deportations of illegals as promised by Trump. Never mind that Nos. 45 & 47 has made it clear the priority will be on evicting the tens of thousands of illegal alien felons in our midst. As one progressive meatball was quoted as saying, “We WANT [convicted criminals’] help in expanding our ECONOMY." He must have been talking about the cartel drug trafficking business. Nor do we (or the Supreme Court) concede that so-called Sancturary Cities can actively violated federal law enforcement.


But, isn't what’s good for the goose usually good for the gander, including in creative law-making? As the major city mayor’s attorney, for instance, I once got a judge to let me sue my client, the mayor, to compel him to “spend” big bucks of community development block grant money that had been granted by the DC Swamp for a key civic project. Uncle Sam’s HUD had demanded the return of the funds since the project was taking too long to get started & the SOL was about to lapse. Duh. The remedy I requested? Issue an order requiring the city to write a big check to the city & put it in an escrow account to fund the endangered project. “Is it legal to do that, counselor?” the judge asked. I told him I didn’t know if there’s any law saying we can do it, but I do know there’s no law or court ruling saying we can’t. No one will ever know the answer since the money WAS "spent" & our local congressman had time to include in an omnibus bill the needed extended grace period. The point: If constitutional law says Sanctuary Cities can butcher federal immigration law (although common sense & the Supremes say they can't), there’s no reason it can’t allow Endangered Cities to butcher the illegal felonious geese.


Davd Soul


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