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Sandbagging Supremes To Never RIP?

Is the left’s unprecedented legal assault on Trump a “threat to the institution itself … by design”? Do the legal stormtroopers care the nation suffers by pushing the Supremes to judge their ballot scrubbing demands, ok new constitutional terminology & kiss Jack Smith’s a**?


The WSJ columnist Kimberley Strassel frames the stakes this way: Thanks to "a barrage of never-before heard of lawsuits" & executive actions … "the high court [now] faces the prospect of deciding whether Colorado -- & other states – can scrub Donald Trump from the ballot on grounds that the leading candidate for the Republican nomination engaged in 'insurrection.' It’s also being asked to rule on whether special counsel Jack Smith can prosecute Joe Biden’ top rival for acts related to the riots of Jan. 6, 2021.” Then, there’s the chance the High Court will also need to decide still more “unprecedented Qs flowing from an array of” unrelated litigation, including the alleged mishandling of classified docs & election-interference in Georgia as well as immunity in a NY defamation suit …”


Good grief. Concluded Strassel: “The Supreme Court may have no choice but to hear & decide these cases. But there are better & worse outcomes. The biggest Q now is whether the three liberal justices understand the grave risks of this law faring agenda – not just to the immediate moment, but to the future health of the nation. Do they sign up for the campaign with opinions that justify novel legal theories & the judicial usurpation of elections – in the process inviting more special counsels, more rogue court decisions, more litigation? Or do they recognize this game for what it is, acknowledge the sound legal reasons for why no one has attempted such reckless prosecutions & lawsuits before & send a message it needs to stop?” BTW: Does Biden stand to reap the left's legalistic whirlwind if it does not stop here?


Davd Soul


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